The Respect for the Environment and Feeding People in more than 160 countries are our priorities

Production outside the
Amazon Biome

Brazilian poultry and pork production is located, predominantly, outside the Amazon biome. The main producing regions, south and southeast, correspond to more than 80% of Brazilian protein production, and are, on average, more than 2,000 km away from the Amazon.
At the same time, it should be noted that poultry and pork production promotes regional development since municipalities with poultry and pork facilities have remarkably reduced the number of families at risk of poverty.
– 80% of Brazilian poultry and pork production is concentrated in the South and Southeast regions – Production, in average, takes place more than 2,000 km away from the Amazon.
Strict environmental legislation
Rigorously enforced

Strict environmental legislation Rigorously enforced Brazilian environmental legislation is currently one of the most modern and complete in the world.
The Brazilian Forest Code includes requirements such as Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) in rural properties and Legal Reserve Areas (from 20% to 80% of the areas of a property).
In fact, 66.3% of the Brazilian territory consists of areas dedicated to the protection, preservation and conservation of the country’s native vegetation, with rural properties representing around 30.2% of the territory, considering Livestock and Agriculture.
Favorable climate conditions
Reduction of energy consumption

As well as investments in renewable energy sources and the quality of the facilities, allow Brazil to produce chicken meat with a CO2 emission level 45% lower than the chicken produced in the United Kingdom, according to DEFRA-UK data:
Poultry's emission
with transport
(CO2 - equivalent/tonnes)

Brazilian poultry emissions

British poultry emissions
Favorable climate conditions
Reduction of energy consumption

As well as investments in renewable energy sources and the quality of the facilities, allows Brazil to produce chicken meat with a CO2 emission level 45% lower than the chicken produced in the United Kingdom, according to DEFRA-UK data:
Poultry`s emission
without transport
(it CO2-equivalent/tonnes)

Brazilian poultry emissions

British poultry emissions

French poultry emissions
Poultry`s emission
with transport
(it CO2-equivalent/tonnes)

Brazilian poultry emissions

British poultry emissions
Grain offer
proximity with production centres

Brazil is one of the largest grain producers on the world due to recurrent investments in technology and productivity.
– Purchase of grains usually takes place using the smallest possible distance.
– The productions areas (South and Southeast) are in the opposite position in relation to the Amazon Biome (North).
– The lesser need to use transportation to obtain grains in Brazil is decisive for the low levels of CO2 emissions.
In addition, in recent years, the corn crop has been mainly grown as a second crop, where corn is planted after soybean harvest, in the same area, as a winter crop. This fact shows that it is not necessary to open new areas for the expansion of corn production.
Technology applied to production
lower demand for inputs

The favorable climate, coupled with investments in renewable energy sources and the quality of the facilities, allows Brazil to produce chicken meat with a CO2 emission level 45% lower than the chicken produced in the United Kingdom according to DEFRA-UK data:

The application of genetic improvement allowed Brazil to become a HUB for the export of genetic material.

More than that, it has transformed Brazilian poultry farming into an efficient production system, especially in the ratio of feed used for animal weight.

Due to this technology, in Brazil, an animal weighing 2.4 kilos is produced in 40 days, using only 1.6 kilos of feed, basically composed of corn (64% of the total) and soybean meal (35%).
Commitment of our associates to sustainability

The firm strong commitment of our associates to combat illegal deforestation, uphold the highest environmental and human rights standards and comply with the strictestsanitary standards. While internal factors help to reduce CO2 emissions, Brazilian producers also invest in numerous initiatives aimed at preserving and reusing resources, thus increasing productivity, and reducing environmental impacts. Again, we fully support preservation along value chains and remaincommitted to help implementing the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and other initiatives related to a more sustainable world.
ABPA remains open to discuss with you any specific issue. Our Representation Office in Europe, located in Brussels, would be more than happy to help!